Tuesday, April 28, 2015

[ED 256] Parallel Prototyping, Part II

As part of the design challenge, Marta and I brainstormed some ideas and sketched them out. We have decided to combine our two challenges as communication of science in energy policy.
Here are the ideas we have so far!

A website based off of Rotten Tomatoes, in which opinions on topics such as climate change get a rating of "truthfulness" based on the user base in much the same a wiki is regulated. There will also be interactive infographics and videos to display the same kind of knowledge in different ways. It is our hope to give a balanced and expansive view of an issue.

Alternatively, we could focus on the brevity found in advertising, possibly integrating with green movement already occurring in industry to both advertise a product and be informative. The above example is from a foreign advertisement run by Toyota, in which it is suggested the emissions of a Prius are less than that of a sheep. Although in principle, the types of gases that are emitted between a car and a sheep are different, it is a clever way to introduce a concept in a humorous and succinct way.

Finally, another idea would be to propose a national holiday that the U.S. federal government would formally recognize (and take part in, in an optimistic scenario) in a similar way that e.g., President's Day is. The website We the People would make such a petition relatively easy to start with. It's a little farfetched, but maybe it might work!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

[ED 256 (Week 3 & 4)]: Ideating and Parallel Prototyping

The following is a reflection on week 4 reading in ED 256: Tech and Education class, for which this blog was made, on parallel prototyping.
This discussion is based on the following reading:

S.P. Dow, A. Glassco, J. Kass, M. Schwarz, D.L. Schwarz, S.R. Klemmer. "Parallel Prototyping Leads to Better Design Results, More Divergence, and Increased Efficacy." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. Vol. 17, No. 4, Article 18. December 2010

In week 3 of class, we ideated as a group possible solutions to the challenges brought forth in each of the projects. Projects varied from integration of theory and practice in theater to retention of Latin American students in higher education to how to best teach Chinese writing. A variety of ideas were brought up, including:
  • Digital visual/interactive media (e.g., photo frame, e-books)
  • App-based technology (e.g., solving a problem to unlock phone, 
  • Web content inspired by existing websites (e.g., rating-based websites, wikis)
  • Augmented reality (e.g., Google glasses, video games)
  • Museum exhibits
  • Traveling content (e.g., traveling libraries, traveling art)
  • Immersive experiences (e.g., constructionist-based education, neurological implants)
For the challenge concerning science policy and communication, the following ideas were generated:
  • Jargon translator
  • App for fact checking politicians' speeches/movie content
  • Web-inspired: Rotten Tomatoes for science issues, Snopes (urban legends), Twitter (confidence meter of science issues), Urban Dictionary equivalent, Wiki version
  • Expanding Linked'in- badges of some sort
  • Open-source publishing platform- including infographics with publishing
  • Classroom partnerships- Skype, mentoring network
  • Pop science media (without filtering of journalism)
  • Big Bang Theory spin-off
I would like to add the following (not-as-technical) solutions:
  • Science demonstrations (on Capitol Hill)
  • Advertising campaign- billboard, TV, web-ad
  • National holiday (like in India)
An exciting update, a fellow classmate Marta Grotheim will be joining this project!

As we continue to develop the scope of how to address the challenge of communication in science policy and to the general public, a few things about ideating to keep in mind. Dow, et al. highlight their findings of parallel versus series prototyping for a school Web banner cover. They find that parallel prototyping offers several advantages over series prototyping. Parallel prototyping:

  • leads to feedback comparison and higher quality designs
  • results in more divergent ideas
  • encourages investment in the creative process rather than a particular idea
  • lead to an increase in design task-specific self-efficacy
In all, parallel prototyping lead to better performance and higher confidence of the participants in the prototyping process. 

As one who has been through the prototyping process, I can attest to this personally. The ability to generate diverse ideas is a creative skill. The continuous generation of (good or not-so-good) ideas encourages the proverbial "thinking outside the box" paradigm. This is especially true for not-so-good ideas. Ideating without judgement to the value of the idea externalizes the prototyping process, which organizes and clarifies the thinking process. In many instances, not-so-good ideas spur creative ideas or the hybridization of ideas, and writing them down serves as a visual cue. 

I am excited to start working on this project!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

[ED 256 (Week 2 Reading)]: Gamification in education

The following is a reflection on week 2 reading in ED 256: Tech and Education class, for which this blog was made, on gamification in education
This discussion is based on the following reading:

N. Neulight, et al. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2007 ( 2006) DOI: 10.1007/s10956-006-9029-z

K.D. Squire and M. Jan. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2007 ( 2007) DOI: 10.1007/s10956-006-9037-z

S. Barab and C. Dede. Journal of Science Education and Technology, Vol. 16, No. 1, February 2007 ( 2007) DOI: 10.1007/s10956-007-9043-9
Gamification is the idea of using games in an education-context as a new framework for engaged learning. (It is worth noting there is debate on the exact semantics of gamification, but the core idea remains the same.) Several efforts have been made to advance this empathy-based form of education, in which the participant is immersed in a role and guided through inquiry-driven learning.

Barab and Dede provide an overview of gamification in education. Games are particularly well-suited to constructionist-based learning being "narratively driven, experientially immersive, and multi-media rich." Additionally, games provide the opportunity to take on alternate identities that may allow the participant to start anew. Finally, the potential to interact socially and engage in socio-scientific inquiry in gaming could help students achieve a "rich perceptual, conceptual, and ethical understanding of science." This final point is worth noting. Although science aims to provide an unbiased, balanced, and extensive interpretation of physical phenomena, it would be naive to deny its inherent human-element. At the end of the day, science is done by people and technology impacts everyone's everyday life. Science is inextricably linked to society, environment, economy, and policy. All too often I hear people in my field use science as an excuse to avoid interacting with people. Perhaps gaming can re-energize the human element in science education.

Neulight, et al. report one example of gaming-based learning on the multi-user virtual environment. In this study, sixth-grade students engaged in a game called Whyville to promote understanding of health-related issues, such as food contamination, illness, infectious disease, and genetics. What was interesting was the evaluation of the students' ability to attribute the cause of disease. Students were able to incorporate major terms (e.g., contagious, epidemiologists, quarantining) into their conversations and to attribute biological causal explanations based in reality, despite Whyville being a virtual environment. I think one of the challenges in immersing one in a new field is acclimating oneself to the jargon. Jargon is cumbersome but necessary; in any field of study, the terminology is chosen to encase a concept and it is chosen to be exact. That Whyville was able to achieve integration of technical terms into casual conversation is a great testament to game-based learning.

Example interface of Whyville with Whypox [Neulight, et al., 2007]

Squire and Jan report a second example with Mad City Mystery, a game that centers on the death of Ivan Illyich. Students engages in different roles (e.g., doctor, government official, scientist) to facilitate collaboration and interacted with various in-game characters to gather and evaluate evidence. During the study, students continually modified their existing theories for what caused the death of Ivan Illyich. Several aspects of how this study was implemented are worth mentioning. One is the emphasis of location-based gaming, in this case Lake Mendota, which was chosen for its "cultural and emotional significance, as well as its potential for supporting scientific understandings." This indeed had positively impacted the emotional and future interest of the participants to, for instance, pick up a book on TCE he would have before not. Secondly, the game was structured to foster inquiry-driven development and evaluation of multiple hypotheses with no determined "right" answer. I find this aspect especially true as a graduate student. What we learn in textbooks is often presented in chunks and as if it magically fell into someone's lap. In reality, the process of science is extremely non-linear, with many dynamic hypotheses. And this is not unique to science, as students see, but a process common to many professions, such as criminal investigation. Thirdly, Squire and Jan found that elementary students "more readily developed and abandoned hypotheses based on new forms of evidence, showing a preference towards simple causal models" whereas high school students "entertained fewer hypotheses, holding to their hypotheses until contrary evidence as found." I am uncertain whether to think this progression of thinking across the age groups is good or not. While we are able to form more complex hypotheses as we are older, that we restrict ourselves to a few may limit our ability to actually solve a problem. Yet at the same time, it is probably not fruitful to entertain too many theories, as it divides our attention. Nevertheless, this (rather thorough) study gives valuable insight into how gamification may impact learning.

Gameboard screenshot of Mad City Mystery with roles and possible interactions [Squire & Jan 2007]

In all, I think these reflection on some studies on gamification highlight a key insight. That education must be a means to an end, not an end in itself. This is what gaming achieves- it builds a world and an identity that the player becomes emotionally invested in. Gaming provides a natural environment for collaboration and contextualized learning.

[ED 256 Challenge Paper] Communication in Science Policy

The below is the challenge paper for ED 256: Technology and Learning. It proposes several challenges of learning in science policy.

Technology is becoming an increasingly important and integral part of our everyday lives. Although the public has generally positive views of science and research [1], it is often skewed, misinformed, or incomplete. A recent study from the Pew Research Center lists several hot-topic issues such as genetically modified foods, climate change, and vaccinations where perceptions of the public and scientists differ significantly [1]. While it is not necessary for policy and science to perfectly align, it is essential that public understanding and policy reflect informed decision-making.

Currently, there is a gap between what the public perceives and what researchers perceive. Closing this gap is necessary. The relationship between the public and science and research is mutual. As research provides the groundwork for future technologies used everyday, the public provides part of the sway on government funding for research. Possible reasons for this gap include:

·      Insufficiencies in our education system for STEM subjects. This can range from elementary school, when children are first engaged in science, to the university level.

·      The lack of science in public policy in different levels of government. Although there have been increasing efforts to include scientists in public policy making, many of these positions require a doctorate to pursue. This also extends to current legislators-from who key legislation with extensive future impacts is being passed.

·      The perception from science and research. This is challenge is three-fold.
o   Making science accessible and transparent.
Researchers often think that explaining their own work to non-scientists is not worth the effort because it is too “complex”, there is too much jargon, or it is “geeky.” This challenge is how to engage scientists to be proactive advocates of their own research.

o   Making outreach transparent.
Other times researchers do not engage in public outreach either because they believe it will detract from their work or they do not know how.  This challenge is how to better inform scientists of why one should do outreach and how.

o   Normalizing the culture of science policy.
Similarly, scientists often perceive with a wary eye being engaged in policy, thinking of the prototypical corrupt politician. This challenge is to better inform scientists the opportunities and work done in science policy.

[1] C. Funk and L. Rainie. "Public and Scientist's Views on Science and Society." 29 January 2015. Pew Research Center.  Accessed 16 April 2015. http://www.pewinternet.org/2015/01/29/public-and-scientists-views-on-science-and-society/.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

[ED 256 (Week 1 Reading)]: Constructionism and Technology in the classroom

The following is a reflection on week 1 reading in ED 256: Tech and Education class, for which this blog was made, on technology's role in constructionism.
This discussion is based on the following reading:

Seymour Papert and Idit Harel. "Situating Constructionism."
Paulo Blikstein. "Digital Fabrication and ‘Making’ in Education:The Democratization of Invention."

The onset of technology being used in education coincides with the development of constructionism, the proposition for the learner to be "consciously engaged in  constructing a public entity," in which emphasis on working with tangible materials is favored over abstract ideas (Papert and Harel). Papert and Harel contextualize this idea of constructionism with several examples of in-class studies demonstrating learning using technology. This idea of technology being used in the classroom is threaded throughout Blikstein's paper on the implications and considerations of digital fabrication.

Out of Papert and Harel's book chapter, I found the parallelism of "Epistemological Pluralism" between feminism and computer literacy to be particularly intriguing. Certainly technology, particularly the Internet, has democratized information and this has shifted the power balance of information in the traditional school model. Like many technologies, there is always a double-edge sword. In a trivial example, while the Internet has made knowledge widely-available, it also makes learning (and in some cases, information recall) less about intuition- often times, it is quite easy to find the answer by googling it. In Papert and Harel's example, it has been interpreted to both support "abstract and impersonal detached kinds of knowing" and shifting the balance of transfer and production of knowledge to students.

In an ideal world, we would have an optimal teacher-to-student ratio, different styles of learning would be appropriately accommodated, and learning would be thorough and like self-discovery. I think there is great merit and an even greater need for a constructionist-based learning model. Indeed, for myself, I had not appreciated much of the mathematics I learned in high school until later in graduate school when it was applied in my research. Many of the examples in Blikstein's paper illustrated well various ways in which technology can be incorporated effectively into the classroom. For instance, the roller coaster example demonstrated how constant engineering challenges can motivate students to apply physics to solve a problem. Another particularly compelling example is the robotic flute, in which the project did not meet the original objective but nevertheless provided valuable insight into the nature of music and artificial intelligence that extends well beyond the project.

The robotic flute [Blikstein, 2013]

Yet, there must be a conscientious balance to be taken. The model of instructionism is not without advantages. The volume of information and past knowledge that each generation of students must absorb grows with ever increasing rapidity. An education model based purely on constructionism would be impractical- there is not enough resources or time to fit all that a student needs to learn. Additionally, I think it is important to keep in mind that while technology is well-suited for hands-on learning, it is not uniquely so. Nevertheless, the examples from Blikstein give compelling evidence to the educational benefit of technology in the classroom.

In a sense, I am inclined to think that the ultimate goal of constructionism is to achieve what graduate school is. As graduate students, we learn by doing. Part of it is based on what is in literature and part of it is trial-and-error. We also experience the same despair (and joy), interdisciplinary nature, and contextualized learning that Blikstein mentions in his paper. The work that is produced is also publicly critiqued through many avenues, such as peer-reviewed journals and conferences. A curious feature I think.

Communicating Science: Outreach and Advocacy

Technology is everywhere. It is embedded into our daily lives and impacts us more than we could imagine. For scientists to be able to communicate the importance of their research is becoming ever more necessary.

I believe that as a (budding) scientist, it is just as important to make science transparent and accessible as it is doing research. Helping people understand the key issues and form an educated view is one of my goals as a researcher. I think there is a culture change happening in the scientific community that emphasizes this aspect of research, but there is still work to be done.

If you are in the sciences, what can you do to help? 

Go out and talk to everyone about what you do! I think it is important we do not presume an incompetency of the audience. I often see this in opinions of how scientists and researchers think society perceives them. They often assume the public sees science as geeky or too complicated. But it's not! Everyone has same questions- how does it work, how is it made, how can we make it better? It is our job to help answer these questions and make sure people know about our research. It is important that you as the scientist think that your work is worth knowing.

If you are not a researcher, what can you do to help? 

Ask questions and be skeptical! Scientists are always trying understand and explain something, and shift this understanding if new evidence arises to the contrary. But! The scientific method is not a way of thinking unique to scientists, it is a way of thinking critically and creatively. It is how the curious and thoughtful think about the world.


Welcome to my blog on technology in education. This blog was created as part of a graduate course at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) entitled ED 256: Tech and Learning. I am taking this course as part of the requirements of CCUT (Certificate in College and University Teaching), a fantastic program at UCSB for anyone with teaching aspirations. In this blog, I hope to develop and communicate insights on introducing technology to learning.

Currently, I am a graduate student in the Materials Department at UCSB. My area of research is computational materials research using first-principles calculations to understand the electronic and optic properties of materials. I am also interested in science outreach and the general communication of science to the public. I am excited about this coming quarter- please stay tuned for future posts!

12 April 2015