Tuesday, April 28, 2015

[ED 256] Parallel Prototyping, Part II

As part of the design challenge, Marta and I brainstormed some ideas and sketched them out. We have decided to combine our two challenges as communication of science in energy policy.
Here are the ideas we have so far!

A website based off of Rotten Tomatoes, in which opinions on topics such as climate change get a rating of "truthfulness" based on the user base in much the same a wiki is regulated. There will also be interactive infographics and videos to display the same kind of knowledge in different ways. It is our hope to give a balanced and expansive view of an issue.

Alternatively, we could focus on the brevity found in advertising, possibly integrating with green movement already occurring in industry to both advertise a product and be informative. The above example is from a foreign advertisement run by Toyota, in which it is suggested the emissions of a Prius are less than that of a sheep. Although in principle, the types of gases that are emitted between a car and a sheep are different, it is a clever way to introduce a concept in a humorous and succinct way.

Finally, another idea would be to propose a national holiday that the U.S. federal government would formally recognize (and take part in, in an optimistic scenario) in a similar way that e.g., President's Day is. The website We the People would make such a petition relatively easy to start with. It's a little farfetched, but maybe it might work!

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